Monday, October 19, 2009

How about we just bar debt collectors from using anything other than certified mail?

No email, no telephone, no Facebook, no Twitter.  Just certified fucking mail, like non-scumbag companies use to communicate with people about serious matters?

Arguing that you broke the law in order to comply with it is not, apparently, the way to win an argument before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

In a tart but analytical opinion, the court said a debt collector could not defend itself by saying it acted in good faith when it intentionally violated one requirement of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act so that it will not run afoul of another provision.

Niagara Credit Solutions Inc. argued that it broke the rule saying debt collectors must identify themselves and tell a debtor it is calling to collect a debt so that it could comply with a rule barring debt collectors from communicating about the debt with third parties (such as a roommate who hears an answering message from a debt collector - 11th Circuit: Don't Break the Law to Comply With It

Let’s just be honest.  Debt collection agencies are full of scumbags, douchers, and fucknuts.  They lie, make misrepresentations, and threaten consumers.  The world would be a much better place if companies had to do their own debt collection. 

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