Monday, October 19, 2009

GOD DAMMIT there is nothing “novel” about the admission of evidence found on the Internet

I’ll save you the bullshit “novel” evidence discussion and cut right to the money quote:

"The decision affirming Clark's conviction and sentence speaks for itself, and we agree with the Indiana Supreme Court that Clark's MySpace entries were admissible at his murder trial," said Bryan Corbin, a spokesman for the Indiana attorney general's office. "The result appeared clear from the simple application of long-standing Indiana law that has been applied to letters, diaries, phone and personal conversations, etc. In our view, there was really no reason to treat a MySpace page differently 

Legal Technology - MySpace Entry Admitted as Murder Evidence

(a) It’s 2009.  Neither the Internet nor social networking sites are “new” or “novel.  (b) A MySpace comment is no different than a hand-written note.  The next journalist who tries to act like it’s new/novel for Internet evidence to come in is getting a kick to the shins.

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